How To Get Earwax Out Of Earbuds
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How To Clean Your Earbuds To Restore Performance
Reviews and guidance for Apple gear, audio systems and consumer tech.
This article is more than 3 years old.
Earbuds are a convenient way to listen to music, but they can also get pretty gross looking. After all, they're shoved in your ear canal, home of ear wax. This doesn't just mean earbuds that can look a little icky, it can result in degraded performance. In some cases, one or bothearbuds can experience a noticeable decrease in volume or even stop working altogether --in a symptom similar to a connecting wire being pulled out-- leading to the buds being thrown out, when all they needed was a good cleaning.
I have three kids and test a lot of earbuds. As a result, cleaning earbuds that have seemingly failed has become second nature. Here's a walkthrough using a recent example of a pair of high end earbuds that lost sound in the right channel. That raised immediate suspicions that the wire had been pulled out of contact on the right bud --especially with kids, who can be tough on these things-- but further investigation confirmed the issue was a build up of earwax. And an hour of cleaning returned the earbuds to like-new condition for both looks and performance.
1. Confirm The Issue is the Earbuds, Not the Source
As a first step, any time a pair of earbuds appears to have stopped working, or is experiencing issues like one bud cutting out, test them with a second source. It's possible that there's an issue with the audio jack on the primary device.
2. Check for Gunk
It may not look bad, but the ear tip is hiding the real problem.
Brad MoonIf the same issue persists with a second audio source, then the problem is with the earbuds. It's possible they are physically damaged, but there's a good chance ear wax and gunk is causing problems. A superficial glance may not show the extent of the problem. Those ear tips may look relatively clean, but be hiding some serious buildup. The earbuds in the photo above and below were reported to have lost most volume in the right bud. They looked okay at first glance, but removing the tip showed they were seriously clogged with earwax and other crud.
This earbud is seriously gunked up and that's dramatically affecting performance.
Brad Moon3. Brush the Grill Surface
Use a brush to remove loose material, but make sure grill is facing down so debris falls out.
Brad MoonMake sure to unplug the earbuds before starting the cleaning. The first thing I do is to hold the earbuds grill down, and use a stiff brush to work at the surface material (some people use a toothbrush). Don't apply too much pressure as you don't want to push the material into the grill. You also don't want to push the grill itself in, as that is also going to impact the sound --and will be a lot tougher to fix. Any material removed should either stick to the brush bristles or fall down to the table surface.
4. Cotton Swab and Rubbing Alcohol
A cotton swab and rubbing alcohol work wonders, but don't ever submerge the buds in the liquid.
Brad MoonAfter the brushing, I use a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol to clean around the grill and the earbud itself. It helps to sterilize the surface, and the alcohol helps to remove remaining ear wax. When scrubbing the grill, don't oversaturate the swab as you don't want to risk liquid running in and damaging the drivers. Obviously, you also do not want to dunk the buds in the liquid... Often brushing and a good swabbing is enough to restore the looks if not the functionality. In this case, the volume was restored to about the 50% level. Progress, but there was more work to be done....
5. Putty
Putty can pull out any debris stuck in the earbud's driver grill.
Brad MoonThe final stage of cleaning is putty. I use the stuff meant to stick paper to walls. It's sticky, but not too goopy or crumbly, so I don't have to worry about it seeping through the grill or breaking off in the grill. I gently push the earbud into the putty so the grill makes contact (remember, don't push too hard or you risk denting that grill). Pull it out, and the putty grabs the remaining gunk that's clogging the speaker grill. You may have to do this a few times to get everything. In this case, when I finished with the putty and tested the earbuds, they were back to both buds being at 100% volume.
6. Wash or replace the Ear Tips
At this point you probably want to either wash or replace the ear tips. Soap and water works fine for cleaning most, although foam ear tips generally don't wash up as well as silicone versions.
If you have a favorite pair of earbuds that are either looking worse for wear, or have started to go downhill in audio performance, give them a good cleaning before giving up on them. It may take a little time, but it can pay off with buds that look and sound as good as new.
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How To Get Earwax Out Of Earbuds
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